
A journey to health and happiness.

Archive for the month “August, 2012”

Chobani and Craziness

Hello Sweet Potatoes!

I admit, I have a bit of a problem when it comes to a scheduled routine for posting. I have been so busy lately and posting has been the last thing on my mind. Oh well, my blog, my rules. Whatever. Let me give a brief rundown of some things that have been taking over my life lately.

1) Classes. I start back to class for my Masters in Counseling Psychology today (ugh!) I can’t believe this summer is already over. I had a lot of stress during the last semester and at times felt as if I wasn’t going to make it through. It was very much a blessing in disguise last semester when I found out I wasn’t going to be able to take my Practicum course during the summer (scheduling conflict). It was a much needed break and I already feel as if it hasn’t been long enough. This is my schedule for this semester:

Not to mention the Ad. Psychopathology is in a different town almost 45 min away one direction. (I may or may not have just spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to get the above schedule cut and pasted onto this post.)

2) Work Projects. As I type this, I’m also working on a project for work. I have the amazing opportunity of being part of our CST (Crisis Support Team) at work. This team is basically an organized, trained support system in place to assist bureau of prison employees and their families in times of crisis. I am fairly new to the team and already I  am in charge of hosting a training (yikes!) I decided to do something fun and different. Right now I am simultaneously watching the movie Reign Over Me on my laptop. I am also typing up some discussion points about the video and how it can relate to our CST training.

A man who lost his family in the September 11 attack on New York City runs into his old college roommate. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief.

3) Chobani Craziness

Well, I guess I can’t leave you completely empty handed in the food department. Lately, I have been OBSESSED with Chobani creations. A few weeks ago Chobani sent me an awesome variety of Chobani flavors to try and I have been practically living off of the stuff.

I have discovered it is absolutely impossible for me to eat Chobani without puffed rice cereal. If you have never tried puffed rice cereal, go RIGHT NOW to the store and get some. It is like $1 for a huge bag and an entire cup has only 70 calories!

There have been lots of creations. Like this one with Pineapple yogurt and fresh mango.


And this one, Black Cherry Chobani with fresh cherries, chocolate syrup, and chocolate chips.

Apple and Cinnamon with Mama’s O’s and PB2.

Raspberry Chobani with puffed rice On-the-Go. Also enjoyed with coffee in my favorite UK mug (Go Cats!) FYI: I do not condone driving while attempting to eat out of this huge container that doesn’t even fit in the cup holder. #fail

The Vanilla flavor was also enjoyed with sliced banana, the Strawberry with strawberries (duh) and the Bloodorange was enjoyed with some mandarin oranges (not pictured). All of which were also GREAT combos!

There are a couple of flavors I have yet to try, including the peach and the pomegranite. Of all the flavors I have tried, I definitely think my favorite is the Raspberry. A close second is the strawberry and who could ever go wrong with vanilla?

Thank you so much Chobani for giving me the opportunity to try all of these wonderful flavors! I am definitely a Chobani convert!

Disclaimer: I was not reimbursed for this post in any way, other than Chobani provided me with the products to try and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Q’s for the day:

What’s your favorite way to enjoy Chobani?

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